Our Model 3050 OPTOMIZER®
Pinhole Detector™ Technology makes it possible to economically add
pinhole detection capabilities to your web manufacturing processes. The
system combines a high speed CCD Line Scan Sensor with state-of-the-art
signal processing technologies to achieve very high resolution detection
of pinhole defects. Depending on web speed, defects as small as 0.00001
sq. mm can be detected. The sensor housing of the system is designed for
mounting to existing process control equipment, such as a basis weight
measurement sensor, that is capable of providing motion in the cross
machine direction. Mounted to such equipment, the Model 3050 can provide
continuous sampling inspection of the web material. Analyze the Process: Our QAMS® Quality Assurance Management System software can be provided with each system to provide charting, footage tracking, product code identification, material and process traceability, real time and historical reporting, on-line diagnostics, and additional control and analysis functions:
Positively Mark Edge Defects: Our Model 1280 Guardian® Multicolor Edge Marking™ Technology can be combined with the Model 3060 OPTOMIZER® Edge Crack Detector™ to provide visible edge marks that positively identify the locations of edge cracks within each roll. These marks can then be detected by our Model 1290 AutoDetect® Control System™ that will monitor rolls on subsequent processing equipment for the edge marks and initiate a "STOP" signal to facilitate removal of the defect by operational staff by cutting it out, patching or splicing. The Model 1290 can be installed on any process such as:
These marks can also be detected visually as concentric circles on the outside edge of the roll for manual sorting or grading operations.
Contact R.K.B. Today: Call us today @ 1-315-455-6636 to discuss your complete machine vision imaging application and to learn more about the industry's most diverse line of machine vision web inspection, hole detection, splice detection and control products.
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